ACT News

If you’ve been furloughed during the coronavirus pandemic, you might be asking yourself whether it’s better to wait it out or whether you need to start looking for another job. Read more...

Given all of the economic worries, it would be tempting to stop paying your daycare provider, many of which are asking for partial tuition during the shutdown. If you can afford it, it’s a good idea to keep paying them, as you will want a daycare facility to …

Now that we’re all sharing at-home working spaces with roommates, friends, and loved ones, it’s worth thinking a bit more about the security of your laptop or desktop computer. It can feel like a bit invasion of privacy when someone else uses your computer wi…

It’s time to bid farewell to Google Play Music: The service is winding down later this year. It’s been around since 2011, which means if you’re a regular user you’ve probably built up a healthy store of tunes on Google’s servers.Read more...

The Senate is preparing to vote on a reauthorization of the Patriot Act, which has been used to enable surveillance of the kind exposed by Edward Snowden. It allowed ford the bulk collection of data on millions of phone calls that could be queried by law enfo…

This week, we’re learning how to be more present with meditation teacher Sharon Salzberg. Hear her talk with Alice and Melissa about the ways the pandemic has highlighted just how interconnected we are, and what we can do to find a little stability in the un…

As the pandemic stretches on and summer approaches, you may be wondering if there are safe ways to get outside and see other people, in person, without risking transmission. How safe is it for two friends to meet at the park—even while observing physical dist…

Got a split seam in your backpack? A shirt button you need to sew back on? Or, if you’re ambitious, a hole in your jeans you’d like to patch? Let’s talk about the basics of repairing clothes, so that you’ll know what’s in your power to fix and how you’d go ab…

If you have student loans, by now you surely know the good news: Most federal loans are automatically in forbearance until the fall. That means borrowers don’t have to pay, but student loan servicers still mark loans as paid on time. It’s a six-month free pas…

You’re not supposed to get a bill for coronavirus tests. But as anyone who’s ever gotten a surprise medical bill can tell you, just because you’re not expecting to be charged doesn’t mean you won’t be.Read more...

These days of all teleconferencing, all the time have prompted many a post filled with different techniques you can use to turn an old Android smartphone or iPhone into a webcam. Far be it from me to crap on a good hack, but, well, I don’t think most people n…

The CARES Act allows federal student loan borrowers to put off loan payments until October 2020—and many of those loans will be set at 0% interest during the forbearance period. This is different from other types of forbearance programs (think credit cards, m…

Physical distancing is necessary to keep our communities safe and healthy, yeah, but it sure is making us all a lot lonelier. Yes, we’re flattening the curve—and that’s crucially important—but it’s hard to cut ourselves off from our friends and family for we…

When my mother taught me what to look for when shopping for new clothes, one of the first things she mentioned was checking the tag to make sure the garment wasn’t “dry-clean only.” This was typically followed by “no matter how much it’s marked down, it actua…

One of the most wide-reaching side effects of COVID-19 has been its impact on mental health. Understandably, a global pandemic has people dealing with more anxiety and depression than usual—not to mention the additional difficulties it’s causing for people wi…

Frequent flyer programs offer a multitude of perks including priority boarding, upgrades, lounge access, and more. But even the most well-traveled sometimes don’t realize that the perks of these programs aren’t just for adults—children are also eligible to ac…

Unlike Android devices, whose major updates roll out slowly across different devices, carriers, and manufacturers, all Apple devices get new updates at exactly the same time. The act of updating your iPhone or iPad is easy, but there are plenty of details you…

Bullish chart patterns in beer stocks suggest that this niche segment could be one to watch over the weeks and months ahead.

Deals activity has been robust in the marijuana space, paving way for gains in these cannabis ETFs.

It’s almost June, which means it’s time to start building your list of new things to watch once the beginning of the month rolls around and your favorite streaming services experience an influx of content.Read more...

’Tis the season for refunds. If you bought tickets for travel or events taking place this year, there’s a good chance you’re getting back at least some of the money you spent.Read more...

June is almost upon us. To help everyone prepare, Netflix just released the list of what’s coming and going from the platform next month.Read more...

These sin stocks and ETFs may prove to be recession-proof.