Stocks in the Dayton area faced more woes on Wednesday amid a global pandemic and an intensifying price war between Saudi Arabian and Russian oil companies that has dragged the Dow Jones Industrial Index into its first bear market in more than 11 years.
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") confirmed Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (Cliffs) B1 Corporate Family Rating (CFR), B1-PD Probability of Default rating and its B3 senior unsecured notes rating. Moody's downgraded Cliffs guaranteed senior secured notes to Ba3 from Ba2, and its guaranteed senior unsecured notes to B2 from B1.
Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) and AK Steel will report the final results of the vote from the special shareholder/stockholder meeting on Form 8-K to be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange.
The new buyer of AK Steel warned lawmakers on Thursday that without better protection against imports of electrical steel products into the United States, two of the company's mills would be forced to close with the loss of 1,600 jobs. Lourenco Goncalves, chairman and chief executive officer of iron ore miner Cleveland-Cliffs Inc, said the AK Steel mills in Butler, Pennsylvania and Zanesville, Ohio - the last producers of grain-oriented electrical steels in the United States - are unprofitable because of a loophole in President Donald Trump's "Section 232" steel tariffs.
Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) plans to use the net proceeds from the offerings to repurchase earlier announced tender offers of AK Steel.
Welcome to Microsoft Build 2020! This all-new 48-hour digital experience is designed to help you and other developers around the world come together to solve challenges, share knowledge, and stay connected. Here we’ll cover some of our latest innovations in d…
Enterprises and teams are adopting DevOps technologies combined with people and processes to deliver high-quality code, with faster release cycles, and continuous delivery of value to achieve higher levels of satisfaction for their own customers.
Coronavirus has dealt a huge blow to the U.S. steel industry's feeble recovery.
A curated list for awesome kubernetes sources :ship::tada: - ramitsurana/awesome-kubernetes
Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) will purchase all of AK Steel's outstanding shares pursuant to their merger agreement.
Newport's compensation included a mixture of salary, stocks and options, non-equity incentive plans, changes in pension value, nonqualified deferred earnings and other awards.
Announcing the general availability of Windows Server container support on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).
Generally available, but will never reach parity with Linux on Kubernetes Microsoft's Windows Server Containers is now generally available on its Azure Kubernetes Service, three years after AKS's launch.…
Stocks in the Dayton area faced more woes on Friday as concerns surrounding the coronavirus outbreak pushed global equity markets deeper into their worst week since the 2008 financial crisis.
Searching for something new to binge watch? Look no further than ‘Fresh Meat,’ ‘Don’t Tell the Bride,’ and the rest of these British TV deep cuts.
This week, Canonical announced the integration of Charmed Kubernetes with Microsoft Azure Arc. This integration provides businesses with a centralised place to manage their Kubernetes clusters and deploy their applications at scale, from cloud to the edge. T…
Do you have a balcony that’s so small you can hardly fit any people or normal-sized furniture on it? I’ve lived with these awkward spaces before (and usually just never get around to designing them) and now I’m dealing with it again, but this time is differen…
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") changed the rating outlook for SunCoke Energy Inc. (SunCoke) to negative. "The change in the outlook to negative reflects a significant deterioration in the North American steel industry conditions and the uncertainty around the company's cokemaking take-or-pay contracts expiring in 2020 and 2021," said Botir Sharipov, Vice President and lead analyst for SunCoke Energy Inc.
AK Steel posted a fourth-quarter loss in its latest earnings report, missing analysts' earnings and sales estimates and sending share prices downward in advance of a pending $3 billion acquisition by Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.
One of the most effective ways to evolve and future-proof your IT department is to design applications to be nomadic. In time, most organizations will not depend on a single cloud. Here's why.
Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) plans to use the net proceeds from the offerings to repurchase earlier-announced tender offers of AK Steel.
At its Build 2020 virtual conference, Microsoft announced a slew of Azure dev tools enhancements from .NET 5 Preview 4 to GitHub Discussions, Visual Studio Codespaces, and much more. Read more...
Q1 2020 Cleveland-Cliffs Inc Earnings Call
Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) has two integrated blast furnace steel mills along with a new state-of-the-art HBI facility and two electric arc furnace plants.
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") assigned a Ba3 rating to Cleveland Cliffs (Cliffs) $400 million guaranteed senior secured note issue. All other ratings remain unchanged including the SGL-2 speculative grade liquidity rating. Proceeds will be used to enhance liquidity and for general corporate purposes, including repayment of amounts drawn under the asset-based revolver to partially fund the acquisition of AK Steel.
Glaukos Corp. (NYSE: GKOS) will replace AK Steel Holding Corp. (NYSE: AKS) in the S&P; SmallCap 600 effective prior to the open of trading on Friday, March 13. S&P; SmallCap 600 constituent Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) is acquiring AK Steel Holding in a transaction expected to be completed soon pending final conditions.
In ZSH you can increase your productivity with aliases. This post explains 5 types of aliases that you should know. Boost your shell productivity now and make ZSH your own
Chuck Berry, James Brown, Kool Herc, Kraftwerk: It's not often you can so easily pinpoint the heralded originator of such a major component of popular music. And yet the funny thing about Florian Schneider, who passed away shortly after his 73rd birthday last…
In this new tutorial, we will build further upon on our first tutorial — Easily process long-running jobs with JobRunr — and deploy the JobRunr application to a Kubernetes cluster on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Terraform. We then scale it up to 10 i…
Cleveland-Cliffs and AK Steel Announce Shareholder Approvals of Merger Agreement
The Kubernetes Certified Service Provider (KCSP) program is a pre-qualified tier of vetted service providers who have deep experience helping enterprises successfully adopt Kubernetes. The KCSP partners offer Kubernetes support, consulting, professional servi…
CLF earnings call for the period ending March 31, 2020.
Here' a big recap of all things Azure coming out of Build.
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") has withdrawn the ratings on AK Steel Corporation's (AK Steel) 7.625% notes due 2021, the 7.5% notes due 2023, the 6.375% notes due 2025, the 7% notes due 2027 and the IRB's. The ratings were withdrawn due to insufficient information to maintain the Credit Rating. Moody's has decided to withdraw the ratings because of inadequate information to monitor the ratings, due to the issuer's decision to cease participation in the rating process.
This update also includes a bunch of bug and gameplay fixes. What you need to know State of Decay 2 is a zombie survival game. To celebrate its 2nd anniversary, Undead Labs released a new content pack. You can download the game through Xbox Game Pass. To…
Advertising expenditures are being cancelled, delayed, and in some limited cases increased, all in reaction to COVID-19 and the stay at home order issued for most of the Nation.
With Anthos, Google aims to bring one of its best cloud services - GKE - to on-premises and also to mainstream cloud platforms.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average suffered the biggest one-day point decline in history Thursday due to coronavirus concerns. Greater Cincinnati stocks got slammed along with the broad market.
The deal means Dayton has one less publicly traded company, though Cliffs plans to maintain a "significant presence" at AK Steel's current headquarters office, as well as its Research and Innovation Center in Middletown.
Reduced shipments to the automotive market along with a sharp decline in steel spot market selling prices hurt AK Steel's (AKS) profit in fourth-quarter 2019.