Houseparty is one of my favorite video chat apps. I wrote about it here a few years ago, but it’s had a bit of a moment over the past few months as we’ve all been looking for new ways to virtually connect with friends. The app is typically used for interactin…
Tomorrow is Memorial Day. While celebrations are likely going to be a bit different this year, CBS is trying to keep one tradition alive: playing taps.Read more...
Movie theaters across most of the country are still closed for business; however, Alamo Draft House is opening its virtual doors in a way, allowing you to rent and buy a pretty decent list of arthouse films on its site.Read more...
Chances are good you don’t have any immediate plans right now to go on an international trip. However, if you were trying to enroll in Global Entry earlier this year, you’re going to have to wait until at least June to finish the process.Read more...
Whether you love or hate Amazon doesn’t matter. Right now, two facts are clear: It’s probably taking you a bit longer to receive non-essential items from the retail giant, depending on what you’re ordering and when you’re ordering it, and there are a ton of s…
Now that we’re all sharing at-home working spaces with roommates, friends, and loved ones, it’s worth thinking a bit more about the security of your laptop or desktop computer. It can feel like a bit invasion of privacy when someone else uses your computer wi…
Fresh berries and cream is and always will be my favorite springtime dessert, but my efforts to limit my grocery store trips right now mean I always run out of fresh berries days before my next run is scheduled. This is a relatively small inconvenience, parti…
I’m not saying I’m going to be the next Deadmau5, but the Library of Congress’ new “Citizen DJ” web app is pretty awesome to play around with—even if you don’t think you’ll use any of the sick beats it can create.Read more...
We all use our phones for a ton of routine tasks that require a few steps to implement. For instance, if you’re going to video chat a family member you might have to find the video app on your phone, tap to open it, then scroll through your contact list to fi…
Quibi’s novel approach to short-form content was intended to set it apart from the likes of Netflix, YouTube and Hulu, but it’s had a bit of a rough start; turns out a time when no one is commuting is not the time to launch a commute-friendly mobile-only stre…
It's nice to see the Bit Evil S.A. (WSE:BIT) share price up 12% in a week. But that isn't much consolation for the...
I try not to Slack on my phone if I can avoid it—the notifications get to be a bit much—but if I did, I’d do it on Android, for sure. And I’d also make sure I was enrolled in the beta for Slack’s Android app, because the new UI enhancements Slack is testing m…
As we reach the seventh or eighth or ninth week of whatever the hell this is we’re going through, we are all in much different places than where we started (even as we all stay forever in the same place). On the one hand, physical distancing has gotten a bit …
If you’re on the hunt for something new to keep you entertained while you’re at home, Epic Games is currently having a massive sale of a number of its titles. That sale also takes the $60 price tag on the popular game Civilization VI down to $0.Read more...
In March, Facebook started rolling out its new redesigned desktop site as something you could choose to opt-into once it was available to you. Friday the company announced that the rollout is complete and that the new site is available for everyone globally.R…
Got a split seam in your backpack? A shirt button you need to sew back on? Or, if you’re ambitious, a hole in your jeans you’d like to patch? Let’s talk about the basics of repairing clothes, so that you’ll know what’s in your power to fix and how you’d go ab…
Looking for something entertaining to watch tonight? Each afternoon we’ve been rounding up some of your best streaming options for the evening.Read more...
The litter box. If you are a cat owner—especially if you have cats who seem to poop half their body weight daily, such as mine do—the foul rectangle inspires a particular sense of unease. Cleaning it is the task every cat owner dreads. This need not be the ca…
Having “no plans” used to feel luxurious—hedonistic, even—but “things” have shifted, and the lack of structure in our days is starting (or continuing) to feel a little bit oppressive, or at least extremely dull. In short, it sort of feels like there is nothin…
Our family wall calendar for the month of March is a wee bit haunting. While we each have our own systems for tracking personal appointments or assignments, the calendar that hangs in our kitchen is the way we keep track of the things all three of us need to …
We’re all getting a bit more acquainted with every part of our homes these days, so let’s take the time to explore unknown uses for the humble washing machine.Read more...