BL News

To ensure the utmost safety and well-being of its customers, partners and employees, BlackLine turned the event into a virtual experience with just 10 days to go. The record attendance at the virtual event demonstrates the resiliency of the global remote workforce and the desire of the BlackLine community to connect with one another, even in the most uncertain of times. Featured speakers included thought leaders from EY and SAP, along with BlackLine customers Domino's, G4S and Micro Focus.

Ensemble Capital, an independently-owned investment firm, recently published its first-quarter Ensemble Fund commentary – a copy of which can be downloaded here. During the first quarter of 2020, the Ensemble Fund returned -18.6%, while the benchmark S&P 500 was down 19.6%. In the said letter, Ensemble Capital highlighted a few stocks and Blackline Inc. (NASDAQ:BL) is […]

The Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: Bandwidth, Logitech, BlackLine, Microsoft and Mercury Systems

Coronavirus is probably the 1 concern in investors' minds right now. It should be. On February 27th we published an article with the title Recession is Imminent: We Need A Travel Ban NOW. We predicted that a US recession is imminent and US stocks will go down by at least 20% in the next 3-6 […]

BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL) has created a 'Resource Hub for Closing Virtually' to help Finance & Accounting (F&A;) professionals navigate new and unprecedented challenges in light of the coronavirus pandemic, as many organizations worldwide now face closing their books with a distributed workforce for the first time.

BlackLine, Inc. (NASDAQ:BL) shareholders have seen the share price descend 15% over the month. But over three years...

LOS ANGELES, April 30, 2020 -- BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL), today announced financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2020. Therese Tucker, Founder and CEO,.

BLACKLINE INC (BL) doesn't possess the right combination of the two key ingredients for a likely earnings beat in its upcoming report. Get prepared with the key expectations.

Leading online peer reviews platform G2 recently announced that BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL) took the No. 9 spot on its 2020 list of the 'Best Products for Finance' – the only financial close software provider to make the top 10 and ahead of such industry giants as IBM, Oracle and Workday. BlackLine also rated highest for 'Market Presence' and 'Satisfaction' in the enterprise financial close category.

The company is offering BlackLine Remote Audit on a complimentary basis to a limited number of qualified customers that sign on by June 1 st. BlackLine Remote Audit is a repeatable, packaged process complete with all the knowledge and leading practices needed around conducting an audit remotely including templated PBC (Prepared By Client) lists; close, certification and IT checklists; task tracking; ready-to-go report templates; audit notes for internal and external auditors; pre-configured status dashboards; approval flows; policies and procedures; and more. By applying a combination of native cloud technology with a simplified, pre-designed services package including live virtual implementation, training and support time with BlackLine experts, BlackLine Remote Audit enables F&A teams to be ready for their next audit in as little as a few days.

Leading financial close and accounting automation software provider BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL) continued to expand its global customer base during the first quarter of 2020 adding a broad range of large and midsize companies to its client roster from North America, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and the Asia-Pacific region (ASIAPAC).

As of late, it has definitely been a great time to be an investor in BlackLine.

A global survey of institutional investors commissioned by accounting automation software leader BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL) reveals that 79% of global investors believe that CEOs should be held accountable for a company's financial reporting errors. Surprisingly, only 38% of investors feel that CFOs should be held to account.

The company also announced it will offer complimentary MAP implementation services until June 30 , 2020 for a limited number of midsize organizations to help reduce their financial burden and close with confidence in this difficult economic environment. BlackLine MAP makes the move to modern accounting achievable for midsize companies by helping them realize the greatest value in the shortest amount of time.

BL earnings call for the period ending March 31, 2020.

LOS ANGELES, May 20, 2020 -- BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL) today announced that BlackLine’s management team will participate in the following virtual investor conferences:.

BLACKLINE INC (BL) delivered earnings and revenue surprises of 100.00% and 4.19%, respectively, for the quarter ended March 2020. Do the numbers hold clues to what lies ahead for the stock?

The Nasdaq Composite's performance is related to the technology sector, which is benefiting from continued strong digital transformation.

LOS ANGELES, April 09, 2020 -- BlackLine, Inc. (Nasdaq: BL) announced today that it will release financial results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2020 after market close.