Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for May 12th
New York, April 07, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has today downgraded the senior unsecured foreign currency debt ratings of Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Banco Hipotecario S.A., Banco Macro S.A., Banco Supervielle S.A., and Tarjeta Naranja S.A. to Ca, from Caa2. Moody's also downgraded Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.U. and Banco Macro S.A.'s foreign currency senior unsecured MTN program to (P)Ca, from (P)Caa2, and the banks' foreign currency subordinated debt ratings to Ca, from Caa3.
Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for March 25th
Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for May 15th
Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.
Top Ranked Income Stocks to Buy for March 25th
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Banco Macro S.A. New York, March 27, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Banco Macro S.A. and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody's reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers.
Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for March 16th
Coronavirus is probably the 1 concern in investors' minds right now. It should be. On February 27th we published an article with the title Recession is Imminent: We Need A Travel Ban NOW. We predicted that a US recession is imminent and US stocks will go down by at least 20% in the next 3-6 […]
Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for May 13th
Rating Action: Moody's Latin America takes action on Argentine financial institutions' ratings; outlook negative. Global Credit Research- 07 Apr 2020. Buenos Aires City, April 07, 2020-- Moody's Latin ...
Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for April 30th
Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.
As of late, it has definitely been a great time to be an investor in Banco Macro.
Rating Action: Moody's Latin America takes action on Argentine financial institutions' ratings; outlook negative. Global Credit Research- 07 Apr 2020. Buenos Aires City, April 07, 2020-- Moody's Latin ...
Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.
Top Ranked Value Stocks to Buy for March 20th
Here at Zacks, our focus is on the proven Zacks Rank system, which emphasizes earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find great stocks. Nevertheless, we are always paying attention to the latest value, growth, and momentum trends to underscore strong picks.
New York, April 07, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) has today downgraded the senior unsecured foreign currency debt ratings of Banco de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Banco Hipotecario S.A., Banco Macro S.A., Banco Supervielle S.A., and Tarjeta Naranja S.A. to Ca, from Caa2. Moody's also downgraded Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.U. and Banco Macro S.A.'s foreign currency senior unsecured MTN program to (P)Ca, from (P)Caa2, and the banks' foreign currency subordinated debt ratings to Ca, from Caa3.
Banco Macro S.A. (NYSE: "BMA"; ByMA: "BMA") ("Banco Macro") announces today the filing of its annual report on Form 20-F and its annual audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 (the "2019 Annual Report") with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). The 2019 Annual Report can be accessed by visiting either the SEC's website at in the Section "Search for Company Filings" under CIK code No. 0001347426 or Banco Macro's Investor Relations website at under the Financial Information/Financial Information & Reports /Sec Filing link. In addition, shareholders may receive a hard copy of Banco Macro's complete annual audited financial statements as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019 free of charge within a reasonable period of time by making a request through Banco Macro's Investor Relations website (, writing to or contacting Banco Marco's Investor Relations Department at (5411) 5222 6682.