CPL News

Brazil's largest pension fund Previ intends to be an active investor in a series of upcoming share offerings as part of an effort to diversify its portfolio, its Chief Executive Jose Mauricio Coelho told Reuters. Brazilian companies such as Petrobras Distribuidora SA , software producer Linx SA, Banco BTG Pactual SA and utility CPFL Energia SA, among others, plan to sell shares over the next two months, as investors bet a pension reform will be approved by year-end, accelerating economic growth.

Brazilian power company CPFL Energia plans to invest 13.5 billion reais ($2.9 billion) by 2024, with the biggest single chunk of that being spent this year, the company said on Tuesday. On a conference call with analysts and investors, Chief Executive Gustavo Estrella said an estimated 3 billion reais will be invested this year, a record for the company, which is controlled by China's State Grid. "Our reading of the market for 2020 is interest rates to remain low and the (economy) to recover ... and so we have been preparing our investment program," Estrella said, pointing to energy distribution in particular.

Moody's América Latina Ltda., ("Moody's") has affirmed the corporate family ratings assigned to CPFL Energia S.A. (CPFL Energia) at Ba1 global scale and Aaa.br national scale. At the same time, Moody's affirmed the Ba1/Aaa.br ratings assigned to the COMPANHIA PTA DE FORCA E LUZ - CPFL PAULISTA (CPFL Paulista)'s BRL700 million 8th issuance of debentures and CPFL Geracao de Energia S.A.'s (CPFL Geracao)'s BRL1.4 billion 11th issuance of debentures, which are backed by a corporate guarantee from CPFL Energia.

CPFL Energia S.A. ("CPFL" or the "Company") announced today the removal of its American Depositary Shares (the "ADSs") from listing and registration on the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE").

Concerns over rising interest rates and expected further rate increases have hit several stocks hard during the fourth quarter of 2018. Trends reversed 180 degrees during the first half of 2019 amid Powell's pivot and optimistic expectations towards a trade deal with China. Hedge funds and institutional investors tracked by Insider Monkey usually invest a […]

The presentation for download is available at CPFL Investor Relations website, cpfl.com.br/investor relations. Before proceeding, we would like to clarify that forward-looking statements are being made under the Safe Harbor of the Securities Litigation and Reform Act of 1996. Such forward-looking statements are beliefs and assumptions of the company's management as well as information currently available to the company.

Amid an overall bull market, many stocks that smart money investors were collectively bullish on surged through the end of November. Among them, Facebook and Microsoft ranked among the top 3 picks and these stocks gained 54% and 51% respectively. Our research shows that most of the stocks that smart money likes historically generate strong […]