ESL News

CLEVELAND , Aug. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- TransDigm Group Incorporated (NYSE: TDG), a leading global designer, producer and supplier of highly engineered aircraft components, today reported results for ...

Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") affirmed all of its ratings for TransDigm Inc., including the company's B1 corporate family rating (CFR) and B1-PD probability of default rating, as well as the Ba3 senior secured and B3 senior subordinated debt ratings. Moody's also assigned a B3 rating to the company's new $2.65 billion senior subordinated notes, proceeds of which will be used for general corporate purposes that may include potential acquisitions or distributions to shareholders and to refinance existing senior subordinated notes due 2022. Moody's also affirmed the B3 rating for the senior subordinated notes of TransDigm Holdings UK plc. Ratings on the existing senior subordinated notes due 2022 will be withdrawn upon payoff.

Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") affirmed all of its ratings of TransDigm Inc., including the B1 Corporate Family Rating (CFR), the B1-PD Probability of Default, the Ba3 senior secured and the B3 senior subordinated. Moody's also affirmed the B3 rating for the senior subordinated notes of TransDigm Holdings UK plc. The rating outlook on both entities was changed to stable from negative. The stable outlook recognizes TransDigm's earnings growth over the last few quarters and the resultant reduction in leverage as well as Moody's expectations of favorable execution on the Esterline acquisition.