Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Mackinaw Power, LLC and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody's reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers. This publication does not announce a credit rating action and is not an indication of whether or not a credit rating action is likely in the near future.
“What he really taught us was that if we were going to be successful, our company had to reflect the diversity of people on our airplanes,” said Richard Anderson, former CEO of Delta Air Lines.
Rating Action: Moody's assigns A2 to Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Plant Vogtle Units 3& 4 Project M bonds, series 2019 A; outlook stable. Global Credit Research- 28 Aug 2019. Approximately $475 ...
Moody's Investors Service has assigned a Baa3 rating to $570.925 million of Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG Power) Plant Vogtle Units 3&4 Project J Bonds, Series 2019A, which were issued through a limited public debt offering in July 2019. The series 2019A bonds rank on par with about $1.4 billion of MEAG Power's other Project J revenue bonds outstanding at December 31, 2018, which are also rated Baa3.
The rating on the principal only class, Cl. A-PO, was affirmed due to the sufficiency of the class's credit support and the pool's share of defeasance. The rating on the IO class, Cl. IO, was downgraded due to the decline in the credit quality of its reference classes resulting from principal paydowns of higher quality reference classes. The ratings of Credit Tenant Lease (CTL) deals are primarily based on the senior unsecured debt rating (or the corporate family rating) of the tenants leasing the real estate collateral supporting the bonds.
The rating on the principal only class, Cl. A-PO, was affirmed due to the sufficiency of the class's credit support and the pool's share of defeasance. The rating on the IO class, Cl. IO, was downgraded due to the decline in the credit quality of its reference classes resulting from principal paydowns of higher quality reference classes. The ratings of Credit Tenant Lease (CTL) deals are primarily based on the senior unsecured debt rating (or the corporate family rating) of the tenants leasing the real estate collateral supporting the bonds.
The ratings of Credit Tenant Lease (CTL) deals are primarily based on the senior unsecured debt rating (or the corporate family rating) of the tenants leasing the real estate collateral supporting the bonds. For provisional ratings, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to the provisional rating assigned, and in relation to a definitive rating that may be assigned subsequent to the final issuance of the debt, in each case where the transaction structure and terms have not changed prior to the assignment of the definitive rating in a manner that would have affected the rating.
The ratings of Credit Tenant Lease (CTL) deals are primarily based on the senior unsecured debt rating (or the corporate family rating) of the tenants leasing the real estate collateral supporting the bonds. For provisional ratings, this announcement provides certain regulatory disclosures in relation to the provisional rating assigned, and in relation to a definitive rating that may be assigned subsequent to the final issuance of the debt, in each case where the transaction structure and terms have not changed prior to the assignment of the definitive rating in a manner that would have affected the rating.
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Southern Company (The) and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody's reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers. This publication does not announce a credit rating action and is not an indication of whether or not a credit rating action is likely in the near future.
Rating Action: Moody's assigns Baa2 to Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia's Plant Vogtle Units 3& 4 Project P Bonds, Series 2019 B; outlook stable. Global Credit Research- 28 Aug 2019. Approximately ...