The company expects to make $300 million off sales of face masks this year, but the long-term opportunity could be significantly bigger.
HanesBrands planning to offer $500 million aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured notes due 2025
HanesBrands declares 29th consecutive quarterly cash dividend with $0.15 per share payable June 9, 2020, to stockholders of record May 19, 2020
The coronavirus had a profound adverse impact on Hanesbrands' (HBI) first-quarter 2020 results.
Shares of Under Armour (NYSE: UAA) (NYSE: UAA), Hanesbrands (NYSE: HBI), and Capri Holdings (NYSE: CPRI) were among the big winners Tuesday as the broad market rallied on economic reopenings continuing and signs that more companies were entering the vaccine race. Apparel retailers have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic as they were forced to close stores, being non-essential retailers.
The S&P; 500's powerful 32% rally from the low may look too good to be true. And skeptical investors are betting it is — in some cases.
The evolving debt crisis and how investors can avoid the worst of it Continue reading...
A number of apparel brands are not only supplementing for the shortage of protective gear but also looking for a survival strategy by selling facial masks and other protective gear.
With volatility through the roof over the last few months, finding a good dividend stock isn't as easy as it once was. With that in mind, let's take a look at three dividend stocks that are selling for cheap today. AT&T (NYSE: T) has lurched from one repositioning to the next over the last few years.
HanesBrands prices $700 million of senior unsecured notes at 5.375% maturing 2025, unless redeemed earlier
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Hanesbrands, Inc. New York, May 06, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Hanesbrands, Inc. and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody's reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers.
Why are credit ratings and credit risk still used interchangeably? In today’s environment, distinguishing between the two seems more important than ever Continue reading...
Like many other U.S. companies, Hanesbrands Inc. (NYSE: HBI) started 2020 with dynamic, positive sales before running headlong into the economic meat grinder of the coronavirus pandemic, as shown in the first-quarter 2020 financial results it released this morning. The apparel company, which owns numerous familiar brands such as Hanes, Bali, Maidenform, Sheer Energy, L'eggs, and Beefy-T, among others, sustained an approximate 10% decline in both innerwear and outerwear sales, while its revenue and earnings per share (EPS) came up short of analyst forecasts. The company's adjusted $0.05 EPS came in at less than half of the $0.11 analyst consensus estimate reported by Zacks Equity Research.
The Virginia National Guard is transporting 50,000 Hanes face masks weighing 1,280 pounds as part of Memorial Day care package program
Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") today downgraded Hanesbrands, Inc.'s ("Hanesbrands") corporate family rating ("CFR") to Ba2 from Ba1, probability of default rating ("PDR") to Ba2-PD from Ba1-PD, and existing senior unsecured notes to Ba3 from Ba2. Moody's also downgraded Hanesbrands Finance Luxembourg S.C.A's ("HF Lux") senior unsecured notes to Ba2 from Ba1.
Tonight, ESPN will air the final two episodes of The Last Dance, its fantastic documentary about the greatest basketball player who ever lived: Michael Jordan. For those who may not remember the Michael Jordan era, not only did "MJ" transform NBA basketball into a global phenomenon, he also propelled several consumer companies to new heights of brand awareness through big-time endorsements. In fact, the following Michael Jordan-endorsed brands could make solid picks for either the defensive, long-term investor, or those with a more aggressive bent amid the coronavirus downturn.
HanesBrands (HBI) delivered earnings and revenue surprises of -54.55% and -2.72%, respectively, for the quarter ended March 2020. Do the numbers hold clues to what lies ahead for the stock?
Those holding Hanesbrands (NYSE:HBI) shares must be pleased that the share price has rebounded 35% in the last thirty...
Online sales were a bright spot among an otherwise disastrous first quarter earnings report for the clothing manufacturer.
HBI earnings call for the period ending March 28, 2020.