IEI News

Inside the ETF asset flow report for the month of September.

ETFs have increasingly grown in popularity as many investors utilize the nifty too to quickly weave in and out volatile market conditions. In a recent research note, Deutsche Bank highlighted the huge ...

U.S. consumer inflation has come in weak for the month of May, boosting and hurting these ETFs.

The U.S. intermediate Treasury bond ETF hit a 52-week high yesterday. Are more gains in store?

Investors are pouring money into U.S. bonds because of negative interest rates around the world and fears the new coronavirus will damage the economy and companies. For example, the share price of the Vanguard Extended Duration Treasury ETF (EDV) is up 19% this year. The exchange traded fund’s average effective maturity is 25.1 years, which means it has a relatively high yield of 2.13%.

A new ETF offers a quant take on the challenge of owning risk assets with downside protection.