*About this documentAs announced, IIJ adopted International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) from the filing of its annual securities report for the fiscal year ended March.
TOKYO, July 12, 2019 -- Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (“IIJ”, the “Company”, TSE1: 3774) hereby announces that it has determined the remaining terms and conditions concerning.
TOKYO, Aug. 07, 2019 -- Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (“IIJ”, TSE:3774) today announced its first three months consolidated financial results for the fiscal year ending March.
TOKYO, July 11, 2019 -- DeCurret Inc. (Head office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & Representative Director: Kazuhiro Tokita; hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) which.
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. (“IIJ”, the “Company”, TSE1: 3774) announced that IIJ’s Board of Directors today resolved that stock-compensation-type stock options (Stock Acquisition Rights) be issued to Directors (excluding Part-time and Outside Directors) and Executive Officers of IIJ, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 236 Paragraph 1, Article 238 Paragraph 1 and 2 and Article 240 Paragraph 1 of the Corporation Law of Japan, as follows. The purposes of issuing the Stock Acquisition Rights as Stock Options for Directors (excluding Part-time and Outside Directors) and Executive Officers of IIJ are to further promote their motivation and incentives to contribute to the enhancement of the mid- to long-term continuous business performance and corporate value.