MPA News

Popcorn Time, a popular Netflix-style app for torrents, has hit yet another snag thanks to Hollywood studios. But it will live to stream another day.

The MPA, MPA-Canada, and Amazon have filed a request with Github requesting that a Kodi add-on developer's account be deleted from the platform. Citing a copyright case and a permanent injunction handed down by Canada's Federal Court, the content companies cl…

Invasive species threaten biodiversity and ecosystem function and can affect human well-being and services ([ 1 ][1]). In November 2019, Brazil's Tourism Ministry launched a plan to sink 1200 scrapped ships, trains, and airplanes, most of them inside marine p…

It’s a frustrating fact that whenever you try to improve materials like steel, you end up introducing new weaknesses at the same time. It’s a balancing act between different properties. Now, engineers have developed a new type of “super steel” that defies thi…

When you're looking to revive a relationship, be intentional and aim to reconnect for the right reasons.

The concept of zero-carbon transportation may sound like the lunatic ravings of a bearded Vermonter in a Rabbit diesel trailing French-fry fumes, but it’s a long-term planetary imperative that wise and wealthy visionary venture capitalists are investing heavi…

Here's what to do when you're trying to find a job from a distance.

Pirate streaming site went offline in April after its domain was taken over by the MPA and the Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment. This week the site was resurrected under a new domain name, Via an application for a DMCA subpoena fil…

Netflix has just sent over half a million takedown requests to Google in one week. This is up from an average of about 20,000 earlier this year. The notices mostly appear to target French pirate streaming sites. The surge in takedown notices could be part of …

The mystery surrounding the sudden shutdown of pirate streaming site seems to be over, with the platform's domain name now in the hands of the Motion Picture Association. Out of the blue the site began receiving a lot of press lately but the party en…

After rocketing into the mainstream, highly-polished pirate streaming site went offline in April after its domain was taken over by the MPA and the Alliance For Creativity and Entertainment. Now, however, the site appears to be back under a new domai…

The Motion Picture Association is pressing on with its mission to restrict the availability of infamous streaming app Popcorn Time. In a copyright complaint filed with Github, the Hollywood group cites the Grokster decision, suggesting that the code platform …

In yet further unnannounced action, global anti-piracy coalition ACE has shut down two more 'pirate' IPTV suppliers. The domains of DripTV and T.KO, which both offered illegal access to thousands of otherwise premium channels, have now been taken over by the …

Archie Manning announced Tuesday the 2020 Manning Passing Academy, the family's annual quarterback camp, has been canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic...

Fly ash generated by coal-fired power stations is an environmental headache, creating groundwater and air pollution from vast landfills and ash dams. Some of the waste product can be repurposed into geopolymer concrete, such as pre-cast heat cured elements fo…

Potential employees should use the interview as an opportunity to show how they can provide value.

The US Government uses its diplomatic power to address piracy worldwide. One of the annual highlights is the USTR's annual review of 'notorious' pirate sites. Given the associations with criminal activity, this list should be constructed with great care. Howe…

Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund, Inc. New York, January 29, 2020 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has completed a periodic review of the ratings of BlackRock MuniYield Pennsylvania Quality Fund, Inc. and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody's reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers.

Earlier this month, an MPA takedown notice pulled Popcorn Time's GitHub repository offline. The Hollywood group, which also represents Netflix, argued that the code facilitates mass copyright infringement. While that may be the case, Popcorn Time filed a coun…

After 35 years of chasing pirates of all kinds, infamous anti-piracy group GVU has filed for bankruptcy in Germany. Perhaps best known for its participation in the unprecedented EU raids that took down in 2011, GVU - the Society for the Prosecution of…

Several companies and individuals involved in the manufacture and sale of pirate IPTV devices into the United States are being sued by DISH Network in a Texas court. In a lawsuit alleging direct and contributory copyright infringement, the TV provider states …