In late fall 2019, a novel acute respiratory disease, called coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China. COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome–coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ([ 1 ][1], [ 2 ][2]). COVID-19 has been declared a pan…
Copper (Cu) is an essential component of human physiology, and it is indispensable for normal brain development. Cells use Cu in many processes, including respiration, formation of myelin sheath, immune responses, wound healing, and synthesis of neurotransmit…
Unique dynamics in the oil market set Nordic American Tankers up for big earnings results. Here's what you need to know.
"Heroes of the Sky: The Real Mighty Eighth Air Force" and "World War II in Europe: Voices From the Front" premiere May 21st.
Is (NAT) Outperforming Other Transportation Stocks This Year?
Some investors rely on dividends for growing their wealth, and if you're one of those dividend sleuths, you might be...
Zhavoronkov questions the timing of our Policy Forum's publication in relation to the release and adoption of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 11, but the World Health Organization accepts ICD submissions and updates on a rolling basis acros…
To restore confidence among fliers in the current scenario, United Airlines (UAL) launches United CleanPlus program.
On March 24, 2020, we announced our 91st consecutive quarterly dividend. The dividend for the first quarter of 2020 is 14 cents ($0.14) per share, payable on June 5, 2020, to shareholders of record May 26, 2020.
A plethora of articles suggest that tree planting can overcome a host of environmental problems, including climate change, water shortages, and the sixth mass extinction ([ 1 ][1]–[ 3 ][2]). Business leaders and politicians have jumped on the tree-planting ba…
Top Ranked Income Stocks to Buy for May 6th
Surveys consistently report that people fear total blindness more than any other disability, and currently the major cause of untreatable blindness is retinal disease. The retina, a part of the brain that extends into the eye during development, initiates vis…
One defining characteristic of species is reproductive incompatibility; hybrids between two species either do not form or have low fitness. The general explanation is the development of genetic incompatibilities that reduce fitness in hybrids. Such incompatib…
Brimming with disco and ’80s pop influences, “Liquid Dreams” by Desire—singer Megan Louise, producer Johnny Jewel (of Chromatics and Glass Candy) and percussionist Nat Walker (also of Chromatics)—appears on their upcoming album, Escape. Despite the song’s bub…
Exercise is important for human health. Many of the beneficial effects of exercise come from the activation of metabolism to drive muscle contraction, which mobilizes and utilizes fuel stores and promotes healthy systemic energy homeostasis. Conversely, seden…
The coronavirus pandemic has brought vast swathes of the global economy to a standstill, and demand for oil and natural gas has plunged in response. The difference between spot oil prices and what investors can get in the oil futures markets has created an opportunity for arbitrage for those able to store oil for a period of months. The size of the jump in shares of tanker shipping stocks has been impressive.
Nordic American Tankers (NAT) delivered earnings and revenue surprises of 8.00% and 5.97%, respectively, for the quarter ended March 2020. Do the numbers hold clues to what lies ahead for the stock?
Every year, infection of wheat by the fungus Fusarium graminearum results in losses of ∼28 million metric tons of wheat grain ([ 1 ][1]), valued at $5.6 billion. The fungus reduces yields but also contaminates harvests with trichothecene toxins such as deoxyn…
Nordic American Tankers (NAT) doesn't possess the right combination of the two key ingredients for a likely earnings beat in its upcoming report. Get prepared with the key expectations.
Severe public health consequences of worldwide geogenic arsenic occurrence in groundwater have been recognized since the late 1990s ([ 1 ][1]). The population affected by groundwater arsenic from domestic well supplies has been frequently stated to exceed 100…
Ryanair (RYAAY) faces dwindling air-travel demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, its liquidity position is impressive.
We were never young. We were just too afraid of ourselves. No one told us who we were or what we were or where all our parents went. They would arrive like ghosts, visiting us for a morning, an afternoon. They would sit with us or walk around the grounds, to …
The chances of survival for a patient with cancer are substantially improved if the disease is diagnosed and treated at an early clinical stage ([ 1 ][1]). This underpins the promise of early detection to improve prognosis. Longer survival time may reflect la…
Metrology, the science of measurement, is at the heart of all scientific endeavors. Of all parameters, frequency is the most accurately measurable quantity in the scientific portfolio. Tabletop experiments can generate highly accurate and stable frequencies t…
In view of the solid position of the company and the prospects as explained in our first quarter report of 2020 two days ago (May 18), the Board has today decided to declare the dividend for the second quarter of 2020 to 20 cents ($0.20) to be paid on Friday September 4th 2020 to shareholders on record Friday August 28th. With this quarterly dividend of 20 cents for the second quarter of 2020, the accumulated declared cash dividend for the first two quarters of 2020 is 34 cents ($0.34) per share. This amount of 34 cents is paid to shareholders over a period of less than 4 months.
May 4, 2020 Dear.
The creation of a fully artificial living cell would signify progress in both understanding current life and the development of synthetic organisms. A crucial component of any living organism is energy generation: the means to power its internal machinery. Be…
While the car world is obsessed with everything boosted these days, many still yearn for the smooth power delivery and sonorous tone of a naturally aspirated engine. Of course, everyone still wants to go fast, so here’s how you go about getting more power out…
Allegiant's (ALGT) load factor tanks 6140 basis points due to slump in air travel demand due to COVID-19
Shares of Nordic American Tankers (NYSE: NAT), which owns a fleet of large oil-carrying ships (referred to as Suezmax tankers in the industry), shot higher by nearly 25% in early trading on April 28. Although oil prices are in the doldrums, these are the salad days for Nordic American Tankers. OPEC attempted to curtail supply to offset the increases, but U.S. oil simply picked up the slack OPEC created.
NAT! That has been my rallying cry -- I bet the future of my firm on a large stake in the stock -- and today it is all coming to fruition. The Nordic American Tankers story really can be distilled into one word: scarcity.
The oil tanker giant is well-positioned thanks to the current glut of crude, but what are its long-term prospects?
The stock market got a nice boost to begin the week, with market participants looking at the potential positives from expected moves to reopen businesses in several states across the U.S. in the near future. Auto industry watchers were pleased to see some signs that at least some aspects of production might finally come back on line, especially with Detroit's legacy automakers seeing their factories remain idled.
Modeling atomic and molecular collisions precisely requires knowing the details of the key elementary processes that dictate their outcomes. Understanding the quantum nature of atomic and molecular collisions is essential, especially in the low–collisional en…
The company's opportunity to take advantage of a terrible oil market may be more limited than investors had hoped.
From ambient and poignant to buoyant and playful, our favorite new music this week St Vincent: New York (Acoustic Version) St Vincent (aka Annie Clark) recorded a stirring, acoustic rendition of her sublime “New York” as part of the Brooklyn Academy of Music’…
Weakness in the railcar leasing market and below-par performance of the Rail International segment put pressure on GATX.
In his "Mad Money" show on Friday night, Jim Cramer spoke with Herbjorn Hansson, chairman and CEO of Nordic American Tanker Shipping Ltd. , the oil tanker company. The oil market is volatile right now, crude prices are extremely low, and some oil companies are storing oil in tankers, holding off for better prices.