NFX News

Moody's Investors Service (Moody's) assigned ratings to Ovintiv Inc. (Ovintiv) consisting of a Ba1 corporate family rating (CFR), Ba1-PD probability of default rating (PDR), a Not Prime commercial paper program ($1.5 billion) rating, and a SGL-2 speculative grade liquidity rating. The senior unsecured notes issued by Encana Corporation (now renamed Ovintiv Canada ULC) were affirmed at Ba1. The notes have been legally assumed by Ovintiv Inc. and will be transferred to Ovintiv Inc. on the next business day.

SINGAPORE, Sept. 24, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The Tanglin Trust School Nursery is delighted to announce that they have achieved the Curiosity Approach® Accredited Status. They are incredibly honoured to be the first school in Asia to receive this award. The Curiosity Approach is a modern-day approach to Early Years taking parts from Reggio, Steiner, Te Whariki and Montessori. The Curiosity Approach creates joyful, purposeful and enabling educational play spaces for children.