Navios Partners continues to trade at a very small fraction of NAV.Unfortunately, this has been a consistent theme for a very long time, well before the coronavirus outbreak.As of December 2019, the 5 containerships chartered out to HMM are generating an addi…
Revenue $141.5 million for FY 2019$39.0 million for Q4 2019 Cash from operating activities $37.0 million for FY 2019$12.7 million for Q4 2019 Adjusted EBITDA $59.6 million.
NEW YORK, Oct. 08, 2019 -- Senior executives from leading publicly listed Dry Bulk and Container shipping companies will discuss the trends, developments and outlook of the.
Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (“Navios Containers”) (NMCI), a growth vehicle dedicated to the container sector of the maritime industry, announced today the appointment of Mrs. Erifili Tsironi as Chief Financial Officer of Navios Containers. Mrs. Tsironi has over 17 years of experience in banking focusing on ship finance. Before joining Navios Maritime Midstream Partners L.P., she was Global Dry Bulk Sector Coordinator and Senior Vice President at DVB Bank SE. Mr. Chris Christopoulos, who previously served as Chief Financial Officer of Navios Containers, recently left the company.
Revenue $363.6 million for 9M 2019$141.6 million for Q3 2019 Cash from operating activities $80.8 million for 9M 2019$38.1 million for Q3 2019.
MONACO, March 19, 2020 -- Navios Maritime Containers L.P. ("Navios Containers") (NASDAQ: NMCI) announced that its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31,.
First quarter results were rescued by just 5 container ships on lucrative charters. Bulk shipping volatile freight earnings make for many ups and downs. Earning
MONACO, July 24, 2019 -- Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (“Navios Containers”) (NASDAQ: NMCI) announced today that it will host a conference call on Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at.
$40.3 million revenue$5.0 million net income$17.8 million EBITDANo significant debt maturities until 2023 MONACO, May 07, 2020 -- Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (“Navios.
MONACO, Oct. 25, 2019 -- Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (“Navios Containers”) (NASDAQ: NMCI) announced today that it will host a conference call on Wednesday, October 30, 2019.
Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") today has affirmed the corporate family rating (CFR) of Navios Maritime Partners L.P. ("Navios Partners," "NMM") at B2 and its probability of default rating at B2-PD. Today's action reflects primarily Moody's expectation of increased uncertainty with respect to demand for dry bulk shipments in the wake of coronavirus and related global economic slowdown. In addition, Navios Partners has some exposure to the container charter market through its 33.5% equity interest in Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (NMCI), as well as a number of owned container vessels some of which are trading in the spot market.
Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. (the “Company") (NM), today announced that it sold its ship management division and certain general partnership interests (the “Transaction”) to N Shipmanagement Acquisition Corp. and related entities (“NSAC”), affiliated with Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Angeliki Frangou. The Company received aggregate consideration of $20.0 million (including assumption of liabilities) and new five-year service agreements under which NSAC will provide technical and commercial management services at fixed rates (as described below) and administrative services, reimbursed at allocable cost.
Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (the “Company”) (NASDAQ: NMCI), a growth vehicle dedicated to the container sector of the maritime industry, today announced that on April 22, 2020, the Company received a written notice from the Listing Qualifications Department of The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) indicating that the Company is not in compliance with the minimum bid price continued listing requirements of the Nasdaq Listing Rules in that closing bid price of the Company’s common units for 30 consecutive business days had not maintained the minimum bid price of $1.00 per common unit, as required by Marketplace Rule 5450(a)(1) (the “Rule”). The notice is only a notification of deficiency, not of imminent delisting, and has no current effect on the listing or trading of the Company’s securities on the Nasdaq Global Select Market.
Revenue $65.5 million for H1 2019$33.7 million for Q2 2019 Cash from operating activities $9.3 million for H1 2019$9.4 million for Q2 2019 EBITDA $24.8 million for H1.
Pointing out the many government disasters isn’t just an exercise in hindsight – it’s essential for saving lives.
MONACO, April 30, 2020 -- Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (“Navios Containers”) (NASDAQ: NMCI) announced today that it will host a conference call on Thursday, May 7, 2020 at.
Since listing in the US, Navios Maritime Containers trades at a hefty discount to NAV.The coronavirus outbreak is not the real root of the problem.Navios Maritime Containers reported decent Q1 2020 results, with $40.3M in revenue, $5M in net income and $17.8M…
We can judge whether Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (NASDAQ:NMCI) is a good investment right now by following the lead of some of the best investors in the world and piggybacking their ideas. There's no better way to get these firms' immense resources and analytical capabilities working for us than to follow their lead into their […]
Announcement of Periodic Review: Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Navios Maritime Partners L.P. London, 07 October 2019 -- Moody's Investors Service ("Moody's") has completed a periodic review of the ratings of Navios Maritime Partners L.P. and other ratings that are associated with the same analytical unit. The review was conducted through a portfolio review in which Moody's reassessed the appropriateness of the ratings in the context of the relevant principal methodology(ies), recent developments, and a comparison of the financial and operating profile to similarly rated peers.
Revenue $102.5 million for 9M 2019$37.0 million for Q3 2019 Cash from operating activities $24.3 million for 9M 2019$15.0 million for Q3 2019 EBITDA $41.4 million for 9M.
8 weeks ago, as COVID-19 was starting to ravage the global markets, I shared a list of '12 Maritime Bargains' to consider.I highlighted how shipping stocks were still plunging even as rates had stabilized and strong earnings were rolling in.Rates have been ru…
MONACO, Jan. 30, 2020 -- Navios Maritime Containers L.P. (“Navios Containers”) (NASDAQ: NMCI) announced today that it will host a conference call on Wednesday, February 5,.
Revenue $482.4 million for FY 2019$118.9 million for Q4 2019 Cash from operating activities $96.1 million for FY 2019$15.3 million for Q4 2019 Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP.