Investors fled municipal bond funds en masse during the week ended March 18, putting some at a 10% discount to their net asset value and inverting the muni market’s yield curve.
X‐ray meets magnet and chemometrics: Benefits of a new 4‐in‐one spectroscopy installed at a synchrotron and supported by chemometric evaluation of results are demonstrated using aerobic Cu/TEMPO catalyzed alcohol oxidation as model reaction. Abstract O…
Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC announces that its venture capital arm, Hikma Ventures has invested in Altoida, Inc. following the company's $6.3 million Series A round in 2019.
One America News is the straight truth for Trump fans, and completely surreal for everyone else.
New macro data gives hope for positive default trends.Diving into the differences between the pure-play PMIs.An assessment of fair value and a sensitivity analysis.
Entering 2019, bank stocks were expected to have a good year on Wall Street, as interest rates seemed destined to head higher. The Federal Reserve was deemed unlikely to cut rates again anytime soon when the year began; instead, rates plunged precipitously a…
The April ISM Non-manufacturing index was at 41.8%, down from 52.5% in March. The employment index decreased to 30.0%, from 47.0%. Note: Ab...
Economic activity in the manufacturing sector contracted in April, and the overall economy contracted after 131 consecutive months of expansion, say the nation's supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®.
The economic downturn in the U.S. will continue for the rest of 2020, say the nation's purchasing and supply executives in the Spring 2020 Semiannual Economic Forecast. Expectations for the remainder for 2020 have been clouded by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pa…
Economic activity in the non-manufacturing sector contracted in April for the first time since December 2009, ending a 122-month period of growth, say the nation's purchasing and supply executives in the latest Non-Manufacturing ISM® Report On Business®.
The Institute for Supply Management's version of the services PMI understates how badly the services sector is doing currently.The method of measurement is fine; it's just that one of the signals is inverted in these strange times. As long as we know, this al…
The Department of Defense's Joint Artificial Intelligence Center is seeking industry input on AI systems that can support the development of predictive maintenance tools for H-60 Black Hawk medium
Hierarchical 3D gold nano-/microislands (NMIs) are favorably structured for direct and probe-free capture of bacteria in optical and electrochemical sensors. Moreover, their unique plasmonic properties make them a suitable candidate for plasmonic-assisted ele…
The government announced a hike in FDI limit for automatic approval to 74 per cent from 49 per cent in defence production. At present, FDI is allowed under the automatic route for up to 49 per cent and above 49 per cent through the government route.
We warned about overvalued CEFs in February, although we didn't expect the crash to come so quickly and violently. My thoughts on our portfolio strategy and why
National Museum’s Reflections on Resilience exhibition gives ‘pause for thought’ during crisis
An audience member writes that "12pm" does not exist. Are they right? ABC Language researcher Tiger Webb investigates.
Both men and women strongly associate meat with masculinity, but new research shows that not all men see meat the same way.
The GIGABYTE R181-2A0 is a 1U server built around the second generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. The second gen Xeon CPUs bring their set of benefits to the server that contain the usual suspects of Optane DC Memory support, higher CPU frequencies and …
Both men and women strongly associate meat with masculinity, but new research shows that not all men see meat the same way.
NMIH earnings call for the period ending March 31, 2020.