ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill., Sept. 11, 2019 -- SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ: SGMA), an electronic manufacturing services company, today reported revenues and earnings for.

If you want to know who really controls SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMA), then you'll have to look at the...

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill., July 24, 2019 -- SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ: SGMA), an electronic manufacturing services company, today reported revenues and earnings for.

It's been a soft week for SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMA) shares, which are down 11%. But looking back...

In 1993 Gary Fairhead was appointed CEO of SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMA). This report will, first...

Today we are going to look at SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMA) to see whether it might be an attractive...

If you own shares in SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMA) then it's worth thinking about how it contributes to...

In 1993 Gary Fairhead was appointed CEO of SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGMA). First, this article will...

Howard Marks put it nicely when he said that, rather than worrying about share price volatility, 'The possibility of...

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill., March 11, 2020 -- SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ: SGMA), an electronic manufacturing services company, today reported revenues and earnings for.

SigmaTron International, Inc. (SGMA), an electronic manufacturing services company, today announced that it received a Small Business Administration (“SBA”) Payroll Protection Loan (“PPP”) in the amount of approximately $6.3 million, pursuant to the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) on April 23, 2020. The PPP loan matures on April 23, 2022 and bears interest at the rate of 1.00% per annum. A portion or all of the PPP loan may be forgiven by the SBA upon application by SigmaTron.

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, Ill., Dec. 11, 2019 -- SigmaTron International, Inc. (NASDAQ: SGMA), an electronic manufacturing services company, today reported revenues and earnings for.

SigmaTron International, Inc. (SGMA), an electronic manufacturing services company, hereby provides an update on its international operations due to the international footprint that it enjoys and the various COVID-19 related mandates issued in the countries where the Company has operations. There have been no disruptions in support of our manufacturing operations for the entire period. In response to certifications by our customers that their products were essential and that they were Essential Businesses under applicable State and County Orders we resumed operations on Monday, March 23, 2020 with about 60% of our workforce.