Moody's Investors Service, ("Moody's") changed the rating outlook for SunCoke Energy Inc. (SunCoke) to negative. "The change in the outlook to negative reflects a significant deterioration in the North American steel industry conditions and the uncertainty around the company's cokemaking take-or-pay contracts expiring in 2020 and 2021," said Botir Sharipov, Vice President and lead analyst for SunCoke Energy Inc.

LISLE, Ill., June 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- SunCoke Energy, Inc. (SXC) ("SunCoke") and SunCoke Energy Partners, L.P. (SXCP) ("SXCP") today announced that SunCoke's stockholders approved the issuance of SunCoke common stock in connection with the previously announced merger transaction (the "Merger"), pursuant to which SunCoke will acquire all of SXCP's outstanding common units that SunCoke does not already own.  The Merger is subject to customary closing conditions and is expected to close before the market opens on June 28, 2019.  Effective June 28, 2019, SXCP's common units will cease to be traded publicly on the New York Stock Exchange.

LISLE, Ill., June 28, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- SunCoke Energy, Inc. (SXC) ("SunCoke") and SunCoke Energy Partners, L.P. (SXCP) ("SXCP") today announced that SunCoke has completed its previously announced acquisition of all of SXCP's outstanding common units not already owned by SunCoke.  Following this acquisition, SXCP's common units are no longer traded publicly on the New York Stock Exchange. SunCoke Energy, Inc. (SXC) supplies high-quality coke for the blast furnace production of steel under long-term, take-or-pay contracts that pass through commodity and certain operating costs to customers.  We utilize an innovative heat-recovery technology that captures excess heat for steam or electrical power generation. To learn more about SunCoke Energy, Inc., visit our website at