Investing in small cap stocks has historically been a way to outperform the market, as small cap companies typically grow faster on average than the blue chips. That outperformance comes with a price, however, as there are occasional periods of higher volatility. The last 12 months is one of those periods, as the Russell 2000 […]
Paulson's gold investors group said $13 billion ready to be unlocked at gold producers Continue reading...
International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (the "Company") - (TSX: ITH) (NYSE American: THM) today announces that the Company's Board of Directors has approved a work plan to prepare a Pre-Feasibility Study on the Livengood project.
Just because a business does not make any money, does not mean that the stock will go down. For example, although...
International Tower Hill Mines Files 2019 Second Quarter Financial Results
Just because a business does not make any money, does not mean that the stock will go down. For example, although...
International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (the "Company") - (TSX: ITH) (NYSE American: THM) today announced that the 2020 budget of $2.6 million has been approved by the Board. The work program includes completion of the final stages of the Phase 12 metallurgical program at SGS in Vancouver, B.C. The engineering firm of BBA Inc. has been retained to continue to guide the metallurgical program, with the goal of optimizing and defining the Project flowsheet. Work is also planned to advance environmental baseline efforts needed to support future permitting, as well as to continue community engagement.
VANCOUVER , May 31, 2019 /PRNewswire/ - International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (the "Company") - (TSX: ITH) (NYSE American: THM) announces the results from its 2019 Annual General Meeting of ...
VANCOUVER , Nov. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ - International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (the "Company") - (TSX: ITH) (NYSE American: THM) today announced that it has filed its unaudited third quarter Financial ...
International Tower Hill Mines Announces Results from 2020 Annual General and Special Meeting of Shareholders
Anyone researching International Tower Hill Mines Ltd. (TSE:ITH) might want to consider the historical volatility of...